
CRS and MDVS are separate systems that work together. CRS is installed in the control room, while MDVS is installed in each ambulance. The system currently uses Airwave communication, but the future goal is to implement ESN to support communication between clinical personnel.

Control Room Solutions (CRS) and Mobile Data Vehicle Solutions (MDVS) work well together. These 2 systems do not require the other to work. These are 2 separate systems that both bring their own benefits.

CRS is directly implemented into the control room during one of our ‘Go Live’ events where an implementation team will spend time with a trust removing the old system, DS2000, and implement the new CRS system, LifeX. This is installed on site in one day and is tested before allowing dispatchers to take control of the LifeX system to continue with their jobs. This is done in sprints so all of the dispatch centre is not taken down at once, allowing for safety of the general public to remain the priority.

MDVS implementation is completed differently to CRS. This is done over a longer period (as each Trust has typically in excess of 500 vehicles in their fleet) whereby the MDVS hardware and software is installed directly into each vehicle and is completed by installation engineers employed by Telent. This involves installation of the new hardware into the cab of all ambulances (DCA’s) and Rapid Response Vehicles (RRV’s) in the Trust region. To minimise the operational disruption to the Trust, ARP limit how many vehicles are installed on a daily basis, which means updating a Trust’s entire fleet will typically last between six to nine months (dependent on the Trust fleet size).

Currently the whole communication system is using the ‘Airwave’ approach instead of the Emergency Services Network (ESN) as ESN is still currently under development, but ESN being put in place to support the communication between clinical personnel is one of our goals at ARP for the future.